It operates on an annual basis.
The Academy follows the official calendar of holidays for primary schools in the Canton of Vaud. Regular classes begin in the second week and are suspended during the last week.
Registration, which is compulsory, commits the student for the entire school year (from August to the end of June).
Flexibility in the application of the above conditions may be granted to students enrolled in awareness and introductory courses (notice of 15 days before the end of the term).
Registration conditions:
Enrolment applications can be made using the online form above or by post.
Once a place has been allocated, the enrolment is validated and commits the student to the school for a full academic year.
A registration fee of CHF 75.- (CHF 100.- per family) will be charged to cover administrative costs.
The contract is then tacitly renewed from year to year and can be cancelled by 30 May for the following school year. The annual administrative fee is CHF 40 (CHF 55 per family).
Registration implies full acceptance of the Internal Regulations.
Tuition fees are annual and fixed. They are invoiced twice per period of five calendar months; from September to January and from February to June.
In cases of hardship, alternative payment arrangements may be accepted by the management. Please contact us if necessary.
A 2% discount will be given if the full tuition fee is paid in one instalment at the beginning of the school year, no later than 30 September.
No re-registration will be accepted if the full fees for the previous year have not been paid.
The family tuition reduction is as follows: 5% on the bill for the second child, 10% on the bill for the third and fourth child.
There is no reduction in tuition fees for adult courses from the same family.
Scholarships managed by the Academy and its partners can partially meet the students' needs.
In particular, ARS AETERNA is a privileged partner of the Academy. The form and conditions can be viewed and downloaded on the website
Decisions on financial aid are made within a maximum of eight weeks; the amount of the grant is paid directly to the Academy, which deducts it from the annual tuition fee.
Any announcement of termination must be sent in writing (letter or email) to the academy before June 30.
In the event of termination of contract between June 1 and June 30, the cancellation fee amounts to CHF 150.- per student.
From July 1, full tuition fees for the following year are due.
Chemin du Lavasson, 41
1196 Gland
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