Martin Heidegger
The origins of energetic arts, born from the observation of life forces, go back to the dawn of time. An ancestral philosophy, very relevant and still relevant today, the alternation of Yin and Yang (internal and external) implements the original breath present in everything.
The practice of internal energy arts refines perception. The gestures are fluid and conscious. In letting go, the movement does not require “more” activity, it is a “less” that is requested.
"As soon as life appears, it is conditioned by the internal-external principle, yin-yang,
Agreeing to this is a guarantee of prosperity, an essential anchor in reality."
Disciplines taught:
Technique F.M. Alexander
his technique teaches the ability to make a new choice about how to move, going beyond the usual established patterns. The method allows you to consciously choose how to respond to a stimulus, rather than reacting too quickly and inappropriately.
The FM Alexander Technique is usually taught in one-to-one lessons with a teacher using special hand contact as well as verbal instructions.
The Alexander Technique is a teaching method and not a relaxation technique or form of exercise.
It takes its name from Frederick Matthias Alexander, an Australian actor who began formulating its principles between 1890 and 1901.
30-minute individual lesson40-minute weekly lesson for two students
60-minute weekly lesson from four students
courses for teenagers and adults
In the first sense, the term "posture" refers to the reality of the body: a posture is an attitude, a way of holding oneself, of positioning one's body, one's limbs.
This first meaning is directly linked to the situation in which the posture takes place.
It is a matter of bodily gesture and posture, but it is also a matter of self-presentation.
Through a game of scriptural mimicry, the participant will be confronted with poetic forms from which he/she will have to draw inspiration in order to insert his/her own emotions and/or imagination.
weekly lesson of 40 minutes from two students
60-minute weekly lesson from four students
courses for teenagers and adults
Chemin du Lavasson, 41
1196 Gland
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