By leaving room for the innate artistic sense to flourish, the right balance between gifts and means of expression is found thanks to an innovative and dynamic pedagogy that respects both the individual in his or her totality and the group in its complexity.
For some, these abilities are innate and very spontaneous, rooted in every human being; for others, they need to be stimulated and developed, especially from early childhood.
The child's deep longing tends towards enchantment. To be educated through one's own art allows one to flourish in the diversity of each person's sensibilities. The original pedagogical approach, which respects the natural development of the student, allows them to immediately practice and experience play and artistic expression. Each stage of learning will respect the four phases: discovery, exploration, creation and integration, whatever the age of the student.
Parent-Child Classes
Signs in Music 1 and 2 from 18 months - one year.
Experience music with all your senses and discover musical games to play at home.
You will support your little ones in their overall development. The artistic world becomes a connecting element and a means of communication in the parent-child relationship through diverse and varied artistic experiences.
Parent-Child Classes
Singing and making music together is fun. At this stage of life, parents and children have an intense emotional bond that is strengthened through musical and artistic collaboration.
Together we will learn age-appropriate songs for your child, discover stimulating play materials, play movement games, encourage first group interactions and promote language development.
MMP 1 from 4 years old - duration one year.
MMP 2 from 5 years old - duration one year.
MMP 3 from 6 years old - duration one year.
Based on a precise, rigorous progression, while maintaining the flexibility necessary for the application of an innovative and dynamic pedagogy, this course allows the child to immerse themselves in their own world, to experiment and develop their imagination and his creativity.
Poetry – choral singing
From 5 to 7 years old
This course is aimed at children in MMP. As a second course, it is a solution to deepen the musical experience through the feeling of the voice and the benefit of working on body posture.
Breathing is the backbone of all other music and art education activities. The choice of texts, songs, poems and nursery rhymes is made in accordance with the educational themes of the academic year but also respecting the evolution of the theoretical and technical learning of a specific educational program.
Chemin du Lavasson, 41
1196 Gland
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